
Guru Ghasidas Jayanti 2021 | Glx | GlxLocal

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti is an important day that commemorates the birthday of the renowned Guru Ghasidas who was born in the year 1756. It is a regional holiday in the state of Chhattisgarh. He is renowned for his philosophy of social equality.

Guru Ghasidas

Guru Ghasidas is the teacher or guru of the Satnami sect or Satnampath, which is similar to Sikhism. He spent a great deal of his life in the forests of Chhattisgarh. Ghasidas was born in the district of Girodpuri. After having experienced the evils of the caste system since childhood, he had made up his mind to establish a new way of living that was based on equality. He travelled extensively through the length and breadth of the Chhattisgarh area to understand the social structure and caste system prevalent at the time and to find solutions that would put an end to it. After his death, his teachings were propogated by his son, Guru Balakdas. He was married to Safura Mata. He had two other children, Guru Amardas and Sahodra Mata. His parents were Mata Amarotin and Mahngu Das.